Friday, January 14, 2011

your turn mom

What a better way to start my blog than to complain about my Friday night..haha.  Well, all was fine until...dun dun dun..BEDTIME! ugh..just mention that word to me and my blood pressure shoots up.
And honestly, I only have myself to blame.  So the problem is my oldest child (Thing 1) can not seem to grasp the idea of going to himself!  Ever since he got into his toddler bed he has to be laid with or rock in the rocking chair! OMG! The kid is like in jr.high. Seriously. Ok, he's only 2..almost 3! But the majority of my, ok our, evening is spent getting that kid to sleep. AND oh my word does he fight it. I've watched him with his eyes rolling around in his head for like 30 minutes and he won't go to sleep.
So of course neither my husband nor I want to be "the one" who has to go spend our precious evening time in the dark waiting for Thing 1 to go to sleep. If I have to do it I am pissed at my hubby, and if he does it he is put out at me.. and an added bonus is Metro Man (my hubby) almost always falls asleep in there! When he emerges from the dark hallway he is a zombie and worthless the rest of the night.
BUT most of the time it is "your turn mom". Thing 1 seems to boot him out and demand my presence.  So I end up chugging my wine, good fun, and going into the toddler bed.
After several songs, stories we make up about Lucy and her farm, and him telling me to be quiet at some point...he falls asleep. 
Needless to say, my personal time, and our adult time is dictated by Thing 1 falling to sleep. 
Now, let me tell you...I am a Super Nanny fan. I can tell you what she would tell me to do. Seen it 100 I just have not had the gusto to enforce the new rules. I need to do our night time routine and then walk out and shut the door. Wait by the door and put him back in bed every time he gets up. Blah..that does not sound like fun. Why cant he just be one of those kids who plays til midnight with his toys and falls asleep on top of his train set? jk 
So here it is 9:54, and I am pretty sure Metro Man has probably fallen asleep.
So I guess its me and a bottle of wine watching some recorded shows and playing on FB.
At least until I hear "your turn mom"  
Anybody else in the same boat?!

FF(fun facts) Thing 1 sometimes sleeps with one eye open! FREAKY! LOL


  1. Well hello! I am your first follower! Woohoo! My little guy falls asleep in our bed, is moved to his bed, then about 2 hours later in back in my bed for the rest of the night! You are doing way better than us!

  2. Yay! thanks girl :)So funny thing is...we tried to get him to fall asleep with us in our bed when he was little, NOPE! He would just play and play. He has slept in his own bed since he was 3 months old! He was getting in bed durring the middle of the night for a while, but no longer. Early morning visit is my wake-up call! :) Your little cutie is still so little...hang in there momma!xo

  3. What a fun blog Erin. I know you have talking about doing this for quite some time now; so glad to see you committing to doing it. It will be fun to "follow" you. Love you, Mom

  4. Thanks mom! I think it is going to be fun :) Although I am not super savy on the computer, so it's streching me! Love you too <3
