Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Making Lemonade out of Lemons

Have you ever noticed that some days just tell you what you are going to do? No matter what you say, do, or do not get a say! Today was that day.
Last night Cooper was having restricted breathing, and between Sean, Coop and I, we got NO sleep. So, we called and scheduled a doctor appointment for 11:30 today.  LONG story short..these were the events that followed.

Almost to our appointment, we get a VERY flat tire

Sean is on his way to help, but he is 30 miles away at we killed time with funny faces

Singing and dancing to Bob Schneider

(Luckily, it was FABULOUS outside!)

Coop took pictures

I found purse snacks :)

Our HERO showed up! But the spare was flat, so we had to go get that juiced up before we could switch cars! Then we were off to the Dr!

We were an hour late, but they said they would get us in! This is us waiting in a room..

Still waiting...( we broke into Dr.Chang's sticker box)

Still waiting....they were SO patient

Saw Dr.Chang :)

After listening to Cooper breath, he wanted to do the breathing treatments. This did NOT go over well last time we had to do this. Cooper was so upset the last time by the noise and fog he cried and cried. I had to hold him and just hold it there by his face while he cried. He cried so hard he ended up falling asleep on me. He had NEVER cried at the doctor til that.
So, when Dr.Chang said we were going to have to do that again, well...I wasn't looking forward to it.
At all.
The following pics show how it all went down

Hallelujah! lol.. he was AWESOME! So proud of him!

So it was 3:00 when we got done there. The boys had not had any lunch or nap, and we still had prescriptions to fill and find a place to buy a machine to do the treatments at home.  So we swung through Chick-fil-A, grabbed some chicken and fruit, and went to Target to get our medicine. They ate while we waited for them to be filled. I found us some dinner there. (Not much to choose from. This is when having some frozen PW recipes in the freezer would be great! I'm all over that) 
So, as if I needed anymore running around..I left my wallet in the car. So, I had to ask some nice Target person to watch my kids while I ran out to the car. It was either that or unload all my stuff out of the cart. OR leave the cart and haul the boys both back out to the car and back. Nice Target person was the best option at this point :) Please tell me you know what I am talking about!
After all that, mom decided she needed a prize too. Wine, new pie plate and some Valentine dish towels. Exciting stuff I picked right?! haha.

We then went to Walgreen's to put in our prescription for the breathing machine. I told Coop he could pick one prize for being so good today.  Now normally if one kid is getting a prize I don't buy the other kid a prize to "be fair". But today had been a rough day for us all, and they both were angels. So, Miles got a little prize too. many choices at Walgreen's

This is him with his new Go Diego Go came with three different pics to slide in. This is Diego on the wall for all of you that have not had the privilege to watch the show. Coop just started watching this a week ago. Now he sings and dances to the show. It's one of those interactive shows..and he yells all the answers to the TV.  I think I like Curious George and Sesame Street better...not as loud. lol 

Took baths and got in bed! Cooper had to do a breathing treatment before bed, which he was not thrilled about..but did. He earned a quarter :)

So, not the day I had planned, obviously, but we tried to roll with it the best we could.

FF (fun facts) Today Miles, fully dressed, walked over to the little potty chair, sat down, and went #2. Proclaimed POOPOO, and clapped for himself. Got up and went back to playing. Guess it's a start. :)

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