Thursday, January 27, 2011


So, there are not to many things that I do for "therapy".  But recently, getting my hair done has become one of them.  For a while I was always trying to schedule my appointments during the day when my mom had free time to watch the boys for me.  And then a great thing happened, I had to go at night when Sean could watch them. While I was there I saw another woman drinking wine, and I thought...hmmm..why have I not been offered wine before?! Well duh, they usually don't offer wine in the AM. lol. So I asked for some wine, lol, and now all my appointments are in the evening! :) AND it doesn't stop there! Not only do I get to go chit chat with the girls, have some wine and sit on my butt, but by the time I get home the kids have already been bathed and put to bed! Score! :)  Discussions tonight at the salon where:
  1. Someone  getting a mystery object in their food at the Thai place around the corner.
  2. Why people would get married when they don't like the other persons kids.
  3. How Princess and the Frog songs stick in my head all day.
  4. My boys
  5. Coconut oil makes your teeth super white. You swash it around for 10-20 minutes. But you can't spit it out in the drain, because it will build up in your pipes. (or something like that) So dump it outside.
  6. Miscarriages and fertility.
  7. How many days you can go with out washing your hair. My hairdresser only washes her hair 2 times a week! You can train your hair.. wow!
When I left to get my hair done my mom was still here spending time with the boys. When I got home, Sean told me she had stayed and gave the boys their bath and bedtime routine with them. Best Nana ever! She also had brought over some organic lemon cake with chocolate icing! yumm! I think she is just wanting me to make them some more cinnamon rolls..hehe. jk xoxo

FF (fun facts) When Sean drinks red wine his ears get really hot. Just about as weird as my thumb. Aren't we just the pair?

P.S. I did this text in purple b/c this is my hairdresser Grace's favorite color. It's like her best friend. If she has a daughter one day, I am pretty sure she will have a room and wardrobe full of PURPLE! :) Best hairdresser EVER!


  1. I only wash my hair one to two times a week. Probably because I have 2 kids and don't get a chance to wash it more often. LOL. I guess my hair is now trained!

  2. Nice! I wash mine every other's in the training process! :))

  3. I only wash mine once a week. Sometimes I go about 8 days. My hair is different though. My hair is VERY corse and VERY dry. So it's actually recomended not to wash my hair but about once a week. I don't produce the natural oils in my hair, like most people.
