Friday, January 21, 2011

Cereal..oh how I love you.

Anyone who knows me, knows I love cereal. Now you know. I loved it as a kid, and now as an adult. I probably most love it when I'm pregnant. Just ask my husband. When I was pregnant with my first I had what my husband called "second dinner". Either right before bed, or in bed, I would have a bowl of cereal. I do not recommend this if you are trying to only gain the normal 25-30 lbs. I think at one point I counted 10 different boxes of cereal in the pantry. LOL. The picture above is actually Metro Man's (my hubby)favorite cereal, and now one of mine! Mother's peanut butter Bumpers. It is all natural and made with REAL peanut butter! D-lish! Other favorites are:

  1. Raisin Bran (my healthiest option I think) And Raisin Bran Crunch :)
  2. Special K
  3. Regular Cheerios with banana and fresh strawberries slices (sprinkled with a pinch..big pinch..of sugar)
  4. Oh's (these sometimes tear up the top of my mouth though..not cool)
  5. Frosted Flakes (Tony the Tiger is awesome)
  6. Lucky Charms (Cooper had this, and only ate the marshmallows)
  7. Honey Nut Cheerios
  8. Chex..all of them
  9. Captain Crunch with berries (in small doses..this gets real sweet)
  10. And last, but certainly not least, Cream of Wheat with boiled raisins and brown sugar!
FF (fun facts) When my sister and I were younger (much younger), we would get to keep the box of cereal in front of us while we ate. We liked to read the back of the boxes and look at the pictures. My favorite toy from a cereal box was from Frosted Flakes. It was a Tony the Tiger that you put in a bottle of water and squeezed to make him swim. It was so cool. I was easily amused. Still am.


  1. LOL at #4 it does the same to me and I do love them! I feel like you and I have so much in common!! & not just bc cereal scratches our roof

  2. Hehe! :)) we are fabulous, that's why! ;)
