Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One of "those days"

Ever have those days? Me either. haha..right.

Today was filled with:

"Off the table Miles"
"Mommy, he hurt me"
"Hold me"
"I'm tired"
Pee on couch
food on floor
"No lunch, I want snack!"
zero interaction with adults other than the grocery store (not sure that counts)
injuries from jumping off couch (the boys, not me)
fish food
my day time show was not on
poop (and i don't mean in the diaper or toilet)
"my toys!"

Now, let me just say, any day that we stay home the majority of the day usually ends up like this. And most days, I love it! But every now and then it is like I wake up with no patience. All the up beat music and deep breathing can not fix it.  And that is what makes it.."One of Those Days!"
Good news is.. God willing, I'll wake up and have all the freshness and beauty a new day brings!
And now, I am getting a drink of water and going to bed!
Thanks for reading, and good night!

FF (fun fact) Miles says hello to almost every person in the grocery store. Very loud and with a big smile. The great thing about this is, we live near a HUGE retirement community Sun City. And, on most given days, the store is FILLED with old couples. Today we talked to 6 different old couples. No joke. Good thing I like old people.

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