Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Mess

GRRR! I get so frustrated with myself sometimes. I have these great ideas about getting organized and becoming more minimalistic, but rarely follow through. I know it is not the end of the world to not be organized, but in our house we have a couple things going on that would make our house happier if we were.
First off, my husband is an x-marine. Nuff said.
Second, we are currently living, in what I think is to be a "cozy house"
Third, I have two little guys who probably have too many toys. A friend came over the other morning and the first thing out of her mouth was.."wow, it looks like toys r us in here!" umm..yeah
Fourth, I feel like 1000x better when everything is organized and is it's home.
And lastly, I want to teach my kids to live a balanced and minimal life.
I made a list today of things needing attention in my house.
  1. The Pantry. Right now it serves multiple purposes. Food, kids crafts, some house hold items; light bulbs, flashlight, serving platters.
  2. The Laundry Room. Also a catch all. Laundry, shoes, coats, xtra paper towels, and cleaning supplies.
  3. My closet. OMG. If I was truly brave enough, I would post a pic. But I'm not.
  4. My routine. I am pretty consistent, but I would feel better if I had specific days I did things. Grocery shopping, cleaning, ect. And be more strict on my daily schedule. Get up at a certain time, naps, ect.
  5. AND the kids toys, games, arts and crafts.
Oh man, I have some stinkin' work to do.

Here are some pics I snapped today in our beautiful 80 degree Texas winter weather :)

FF (Fun Facts) Today at the park there was a little girl there who was almost 4. She was so stinking cute, and a chatter box! One of the things in life that really tickles my heart is "toddler talk". She told me when I asked her if this other girl was her sister.."I'm not a sister, I am a girl!"  She also told me that sometimes she is like a fish," I swim underwater and eat fish food". Talking about her birthday.."I am going to have my birthday and turn 4, and then I will be 5. And 5 plus 5 is 10"  HAHA so cute!


  1. try it has helped me get more organized.

  2. Oooh cool! I will tomorrow for sure! Thank you :) and just FYI, Coop is doing great going to bed at night!!! :) xo
