Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lets talk Cali

Ok, for starters...if you have not gone..GO! And honestly I don't care if you go north or south! Just GO!
Now, the thing with California is it has;    perfect weather...

beautiful beaches....

majestic trees...

intoxicating people...

fields and fields of all the, what was fresh, fruit that sits in our Texas grocery stores... AND

More importantly the majority of my extended family. This is where I was born. Where my sister was born.
My father. My mother. My husband as well. Lots of family history and roots.

And even though my parents moved us here when I was 5 or 6 years old, California has always been so very hard to leave.  My mother has 6 brothers and sisters, which means I have a LOT of aunties, uncles and cousins that live there! Most of my family lives in the northern part of California (I think that's what the locals call it..maybe central?) The San Jose, Santa Cruz area. The pictures I took above are sunrise and sunset in a recent trip to see one of my cousins that lives in La Jolla, southern Cali.

So the constant conversation in our house is whether or not to move back there.
Pros to moving:
We desire to live there
Deepen relationships with family members
Raise our kids in an atmosphere we feel to be diverse and beautiful
It would be a new adventure

Cons to moving:
We would be leaving behind the family that is, sister, the boys have a couple cousins (they LOVE)  my dad, Sean's dad in Houston
Its expensive!! shoooooot! I mean are you for real? Are you freaking kidding me? I can live like Snoop Dog here in Texas for that kinda green! And I know its not all about how big your house is or whatever. But why don't you try looking at houses here in suburbia Austin Texas for $350,000 and then go to Santa Cruz and try there....speechless.
If we live here modestly we could possibly go stay in Cali for a month in summer, or travel there more frequently..but that's not the same as living there. I just cant stand the idea of living broke! I don't have to have all the latest and greatest CRAP, but I do want to be able to take a vacation or eat something other than ramen noodles or drink wine out of a box (no offense)

So this is a little insight to an ongoing conversation in our house....feel free to chime in!

FF (fun fact) I finished this post at 2:15 am. Spell check had like umm..30 catches and I think I changed the color of the font 15 times..I told you, I am a mess. Good night.


  1. Coming from a Cali Girl myself, I know too well what you're talking about. There's alot that I like about my hometown however, there's nothing like the Southern Charm you get in the Mid West and the gernerousity of friendly people who can chat with you for hours as your intending to just shop down the store aisles. Cali is a beautiful state full of busy body where people are going to and from at a fast pace. This is a place where you see everyone dressed to a "T" and where the vehicles are waxed shine. However, having the best of both states I think helps you stay grounded. Good reading. ;-)

  2. So true! Ya know though, we find the Santa Cruz area pretty low key. We love the big Redwoods and the pretty beaches! And who does not love Montery?! I think the boys would be in heaven! So would mom and dad! ;) but maybe we can "be in heaven" one month a year ;)

  3. Thank you for stoping by pretty lady!! :) muaah
