Thursday, February 3, 2011

Writing our Will

We have often thought about needing to write a will since our first son was born.  But the other night we went on a date night together, and I just couldn't quit thinking about the "what ifs". I mean, seriously, what if we had gotten in a car accident that night and both passed away. I know that is horrible, but this is just like a speeding ticket (but not), not things you want to talk about or take care of...but you have to! Or rather, you should. How does one decide such a major thing? Sure we have lots of people in our lives that love them dearly, but that is not the same as raising them. Now obviously there is not going to be anyone just like us that could replace us, but what do you bend on? What are the most important things you should think about when deciding? Their current relationship with the kids? Their age and energy? Goals and ambition? Religious beliefs? Our relationship with them? Geeze. Maybe a different person is in charge of the money that they will receive from our life insurance. Are these not horrible things to have to think about?!  I pray that day never comes, with all my heart I pray that. But I feel like we need to plan on some of these things. I know, that no matter what, that they would be loved and taken care of. But I think it is good to get in writing what we desire and make things a little easier, if that day came.
I know this was a very depressing post, lol...but I am sure some of you can understand my thoughts! Have any of  you already done this, or thought about it?  XO

Now, I am about to go tuck my boys in, and thank God I am alive and well to be their mommy today!


  1. It's never easy thinking about that kind of stuff, nor is it a comfortable feeling. But it's "life" and we gotta do what we gotta do, to make sure everything and everyone is in good hands! I actually need to do a "will" we did one when Brian left for Iraq but that is obviously a much needed update. Blek! no fun!

  2. I know,it is never fun to talk about. But it is the responsible thing to do. Just so hard. I guess it is time to talk to family about this! ahhh! xo
