Monday, February 21, 2011

Fast Healthy Breakfast & Lunch

Do you ever have those mornings when you feed your kids something not healthy or nutritional because you were in a hurry? More and more I am learning that if it isn't in the house, than it is not an option! Profound, I know! pshh. The makings of this breakfast are always in my fridge. Unless I have not made it to the store..than there is nothing in my fridge. And no one is happy when this happens. .

These french toast sticks are mostly organic and all natural, and best of all they are so fun for the kids to hold and dip into the yogurt, even my 18 month old totally gets into it!

We always have strawberries in the house. We burn through them like crazy.

Yogurt is so good for our kids, and us..this one in particular is called Pro Bugs Organic
Whole Milk Kefir. It is a cultured milk smoothie. It has 10 live & active cultures! So good for their little bodies :) This one is called Goo Berry Pie..haha. You can use any yogurt though, spoon it on the plate so they can dip the french toast sticks into it.

So good, and so easy!

So my easy yummy lunch is something that a lot of you probably do. PB and honey sandwich with banana. But being that I am a "choosy mom"...I DON'T choose Jiff! lol..there is a reason why that peanut butter is so smooth and yummy, and it isn't good! This peanut butter I use is full of flavor and very smooth, all organic, and such a healthier option! If you start them on it now, they will never know what Jiff was! lol...My boys love it, and so do I. The other thing I choose to do is use local honey. It may cost a little more, but it helps with allergies and supports the local businesses. I love honey.

FF~ One day I saw Sean cutting the crust off the sandwiches, and I told him that he didn't need to do that, the boys don't mind the crust. He told me, "I know, but I wish my mom would have cut the crust off my sandwiches".  Ooookay sweetie...cut the crust. XO

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