Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weekend for Two

Today I booked two nights at a place in Fredericksburg for Sean and I to get away and relax. We are celebrating his birthday, but more than anything we are going to get away and get refreshed. Let go and breath. If it is possible to turn off your head, or not think kids, that is what is going to happen. No work talk, no kid talk, just Sean and Erin talk. Or no talking, that works too. No shopping on Main, just relaxing and spending quality time together. Did I mention relaxing? More than anything though, my focus is going to be on my husband. He works so hard at his job, not to mention drives over 45 miles to get there. And when he comes home he still finds the energy to give the boys attention and help with bath and bedtime. He helps with dinner when he can, and helps out with more around the house that I am not even proud to admit. I could not ask for a better example of a great man for my boys. He is not perfect, but he is always learning and trying to be a better person. He is stubborn and grumpy sometimes, but he is the most faithful and patient husband to me. He does not call names or belittle me, and he encourages me in everything I do! I love that my boys get to see how they are to respect and love a woman right in their own home. He strives to be the "do as I do, not do as I say" parent. He shows his boys he loves them, and he tell his boys he loves them. Sean has a really hard time telling me no, hehe, but when it is important, he speaks up and challenges me to be a better person. He always speaks the truth in love...and when his temper does get the best of him, he finds the strength to say sorry. He puts up with all my shenanigans and participates in my deep thought conversations. I think his biggest downfall, if any, is that he has put aside a lot of his own dreams and desires to focus on ours. He is the dream achiever. lol...but that is something we are working on, more Sean time for Sean. I love him so much, and feel so blessed that we get to do life together. SO, with all that mushy stuff said, I have arranged a fly fishing lesson on the property for him. He has gone fly fishing before, but has wanted to take a lesson. I may have a couple other little surprises too...picnic for two, romantic campfire by the river under the stars..who knows what else! The B&B also brings the breakfast to  your door at whatever time you tell them the night I am thinking we are sleeping in until they bring the grub! What a treat! He also has not been to Enchanted Rock, so we may go hike.
I honestly don't care what we do, I just want to spend time with my sweetie and love on him. And maybe annoy him a little. ;)

I grabbed a couple pics of the place we are going to...of course I will have plenty more when we return.

( just FYI, that is a spa above, even thought it may not look like one, it is, and I plan to be there while he is fishing)

FF( fun fact) So the place is not fancy, but Prince Charles and Camilla spent the weekend here once. Pretty cool....I guess. 

I plan on turning off my phone as soon as we leave, and not turning it back on until we get it Saturday yet? xo  

1 comment:

  1. Ok, lots of typos! Lol...I was tired, please forgive me! ;)

    xo AT
