Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Homestead

While sitting on the edge of Cooper's bed, waiting for him to snooze off for his nap, I started day dreaming.  Due to several past decisions, and life happenings, we are currently in a rental house. But not for long. And the closer and closer we get to moving, the more and more my wheels start turning. If we move here, or there, or what if this, or that. So many options and possibilities! Being in my head is quite the adventure, and sometimes headache. Anyway...I now know what in my heart of hearts I want our home to be like. Or should I say our homestead, or ranch! I don't know where in location it will be, but I do have a beautiful vision of it. It goes a little something like this...

Pull up to a beautiful piece of property (nothing too big), full of lush green grass and wildflowers. There is iron gate, with swirls and twirls greeting you. When you pull in, you drive down the long, rough drive to get to the house. (not to rough, we had our share of rocky roads in Florence, I am over that) As a guest, you can park in the circle drive in front of the house..I am not sure what the house looks like... maybe Gone with the Wind style? lol or just a long one story ranch home. A colonial with big white pillars sounds nice..something with charm and beauty no doubt. There has to be mature, towering trees throughout the property...front and back. The inside will be warm and cozy...yet elegant and breezy. Of course the house will be covered in family pictures and places to lounge. Out back will be a 70's style ranch looking pool..does that make sense? I don't know, but that's what it will be. ha ha. With lounge chairs all around. Nothing fancy. I want a HUGE organic garden, to feed my family the best. And now, after reading my Mother Earth magazine, I know we will need guineas to help control  bugs, snakes and birds of prey! They are friends of chickens and will help keep the chickens safe so we can have fresh eggs. They  control fleas,ticks, grasshoppers, snakes, and even have been know to chase fox! They are mischievous, entertaining, and much more intelligent than chickens.
Of course, some 4 wheelers and go-carts, and a huge hammock. I think we will need some out door kitty's and a dog or two. What kind of dog is the question, and on going debate in our house right now. Sean would prefer the biggest chocolate lab that can be bred, and I, dachshunds or basset hounds. Maybe we will need one of each. hmm, yeah, that sounds good. (to me at least)  The End.

When I left Cooper's bedside, I decided to text Sean and tell him my great vision. His response was.."Have you been reading Mother Earth?"

Dreaming of guineas and gardens,
Awkward Turtle   XO